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A Specialized Organization To Serve You Best
On this page are illustrated the four main features of
the world-wide Gravely sales and service organization.
The Company-owned Distributor sells and services retail in its own area, and supplies its Dealers with
equipment and parts. The Dealers are independent business
men, most of whom do nothing but sell and service
Gravely Equipment. You will find this same organization not only in the U.S.A. but in Canada and most
foreign lands.
Special Tools
Trained Mechanics
Both the Dealer and Distributor have tooled their
shops to render the most efficient service on the Gravely. Their mechanics are trained in factory methods.
They stock Gravely repair parts at all times. Their
service is fast and efficient, therefore it costs you less
and serves you better.
Buy With Confidence
You buy the Gravely with confidence-this world-
wide organization could only have been built by consistently providing an excellent product and dependable
service to our Gravely users!